5ft. X 5ft. X 6in. Material: Ceramic The piece is a raku fired snap dragon with textured tea green glazed triangles to lead the eye around the piece.
10in. X 14in. X 6in. Material: Ceramic An abstract heart constructed from a coil and slab pot. The cut out from the heart shows the fragility of life and how it can not function properly or at all when in pieces.
10in. X 1ft. X 10in. Material: Ceramic Made to collect water and naturally flow through the piece. The ceramic vessel is to emphasis the beauty of nature and its tranquil flow through space and time.
10in. X 15in. X 12.5in. Materials: Ceramic and candle Based on the Poem “Tide Rises Tide Falls” by Longfellow. The suitcase is closing on the last moment of life, which is represented by the candle. The water is rushing over the suitcase washing away the evidence of life that was once there.
1in. X 6in. X 4in. 4in. X 5in. X 2in. Materials: Ceramic and wax candles Hands out of clay can hold various shapes and sizes of candles. The candlestick holders have a twist stemming from my love for horror films and especially the twisted comedy film Catch That Ghost by Abbot and Costello.